Demand for quality plant-based and dairy-free cheese has fueled the growth of Good Stock Food’s flagship product, Prairie Melt. “I designed Prairie Melt to be a premium plant-based cheese that actually melts with superior flavor, texture and versatility”, says creator and Red Seal Chef Michelle Byrt, “this isn’t your run of the mill plant-based cheese”. Made from only five whole-food ingredients, Prairie Melt is vegan, gluten free, soy free and nut free, making it a home run and staple for people with these food preferences and allergies. It can be melted into any cheese recipe including pizza, nachos, burgers, pasta, sandwiches and more.
With Prairie Melt’s growing success in both food service and retail, it is now being produced in a Federally Inspected, HACCP approved facility and ready for nation wide distribution. It is available in both food service (12kg) and retail (900g) formats, and will stand out on store shelves and consumer’s plates. Join the growing number of retailers to stock this in-demand product.
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