Marketing Insights – Effective Social Media Tactics

Recently, I came across a blog from Barry Feldman1 of Feldman Creative. In his blog, he discusses an annual report called the “2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report 2 “ by the Social Media Examiner that includes data summaries collected from their extensive surveys, along with insights. One of the discussion topics included the “Top Five social media questions (that) marketers want answered” – and the No.1 question was “What social (media) tactics are most effective?” It was this question that inspired Barry Feldman to delve deeper into this topic and write the blog, which caught my attention.

So, for this issue, I would like to share with you what I read… and following are the 59 effective social media tactics suggested (and their sources).

Create a Strong Social Media Content Strategy
– by Debbie Hemley, social media coach

1. Develop content aligned with your marketing objectives.
2. Observe and learn from big brands and market leaders in your channel of business.
3. Post frequently and steadily.
4. Post on multiple social sites and yours.
5. Delve into social media data to determine user interests.
6. Interact in real-time. You need to engage in real conversations.
7. Keep up with the changes to social media sites. Subscribe to reliable sources to keep your social IQ high.
8. Learn from your Google Analytics social reports. Determine where traffic is coming from and going to.
9. Use hashtags to get found.
10. Network in all the right places.
11. Share photos of yourself and your team. It’ll help humanize your brand.
12. Ask your readers questions. You’ll get more engagement.
13. Use a consistent brand identity across platforms. Apply a style guide.
14. Dial-up social media at the events you attend (or host). Create event pages. Publish content from the event.
15. Have regular progress meetings with your social media team.
16. Use a conversational tone. Drop the corporate babble, lighten up and be yourself.
17. Use great images.
18. Create tips articles.


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