3rd Annual Canadian Women’s Ride Day

Support for roaring women is growingCanadian Womens Ride Day 2015
3rd Annual Canadian Women’s Ride Day – Sunday, July 19, 2015

View/Download Press Release [June 24, 2015, Victoria, BC] Support for Canadian Women’s Ride Day (CWRD) is catching on. The Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, the Honourable Judith Guichon, will attend and speak at the celebrations following the Vancouver Island event on July 19th at Cobble Hill Country Grocer, 1400 Cowichan Bay Road.

“We are so excited and honoured to have the presence of Her Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, on hand to support and help us celebrate being Canadian women who ride motorcycles, “ said CWRD Foundation President, Greer Stewart. “She has demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership through her contributions to modernizing holistic farming practices in BC, exemplifying the qualities of courage and commitment to community that are shared by CWRD participants,” she added.
150 or more women on motorcycles, Canadian flags flying, are expected to roar through the beautiful Cowichan Valley for the Vancouver Island ride. It will be a spectacular sight to see—and hear. The ride celebrates the fun, sisterhood and adventure shared by the growing community of Canadian women who ride motorcycles. And in doing so, it also supports local charities that benefit women.

Local, municipal and First Nations leaders are also expected to attend the event. The BC Nurses Union will be on hand with their health promotion bus to hand out
women’s health information to participants. And, a by-invitation car show has been added to the festivities after the ride, with entry fees going to the fund- raising efforts. Men who want to support CWRD will be riding together at the same time, on a different route.

The number of women taking up motorcycling continues to increase by over 30% each year. In 2013, when the event started, just over 50 local women on motorcycles took part and raised about $1500 for charity. Last year the island event doubled in size with almost 100 women riders on a huge variety of motorcycles, large and small. They raised $5000 for charity and the goal this year is to raise even more money.

CWRD organizers are calling on women riders in communities large and small across Canada to start organizing their own CWRD event to have fun and support their own local charities who support the well-being of women. Registration begins at 9am at Country Grocer Cobble Hill. A BBQ lunch and many festivities will happen after the ride ends.
Women who want to organize a local ride can go to: www.canadianwomensrideday.com, or the Canadian Women’s Ride Day page on Facebook to find out how to get involved.

For more information, contact: Greer Stewart, Founder & CEO West Coast Roar Motorcycle Apparel & Clothing Ltd.
Phone: 1 (250) 733-2141 E-mail: info@westcoastroar.com Web: www.westcoastroar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanadianWomensRideDay
Google: www.CanadianWomensrideday.


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