With the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers, analysts are seeing an improving-but-not-fast-enough inflationary picture. Here is some new analysis from retail analytics firm DataWeave, which has been tracking prices across categories month-over-month throughout 2022 and into 2023, based on data-centric analysis of thousands of products.
DataWeave observes that in the month of March 2023, Grocery prices increased by about 0.9 percent; Out of all the categories analyzed, Grocery was the only category that was up. Every other category experienced a negative month-over-month price change compared to February 2023. With grocery prices increasing by <1% in March 23, we might expect a very low increase in month-on-month inflation from the CPI.
Here’s a chart of price increases across categories for March only, as DataWeave has been tracking them:
Source: DataWeave
And here’s an overview of DataWeave’s price inflation trends across categories tracked year-over-year from March 2022 through March 2023:
Source: DataWeave
DataWeave analyzes massive data sets, both to measure consumer searches for select products and to help retailers understand pricing trends in the coming months and years.